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Escort Cabriolet Club

Deal Classic Car Show


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I was representing the Cabby Club at the Deal classic car show on Sunday (is actually a really good show) and a young kid and his dad came to talk to me about Bluey and we were discussing the roof on their cabby that they are currently restoring together (father & son team - gotta love it)


We got chatting about parts and advice and how eBay is turning everything so expensive and I told them to sign up and join this club... as not only are there plenty of members on here willing to give free and useful advice, but members also sometimes have spare parts that are hard to find or silly money on eBay.


I really hope that they have/do sign up... they seemed really interested in what I had to say, and both seemed keen to get their own cabby back on the road and cruising again... and let's be honest, another saved cabby is what we all want to see!!


If you did join, and you're reading this... I'm the guy who had 'Bluey' at the show... hope you were able to test the roof and see if the frame is bent.



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Sadly no... apart from a couple of mine (not vain much.lol


There wasn't many Cabbys there apparently, but Tee on here took some pics, I'll ask him to upload them.

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Cheers Ollie,

Planning some changes for old Bluey for the Bromley Pageant... if all goes to plan :smile:

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Guest Tee Morrison

It was a good day Dave, and really good to meet you.


Shame there was only two cabby's there though, yours and a red mk4 at the other end of the green. Hopefully at next years we can get a lot more down there, it would be good to have a club stand there.


I'll upload the photo's I took on this thread when I've sorted them all out. Obviously they're not all Fords, but I'll post them up so you can see what sort of vehicles are on display.

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Skittles, It's only been going a few years, but seems to be getting more popular each year. It's usually around the end of May... I'm chatting with Ollie to see if we can add it to the Cabriolet club calender for next year and have a stand there.


The show is free for the public, with people just shaking buckets asking for donations, and all the money raised goes to the Deal RNLI & bandstand fund... so it's a good day out, another car show AND all for a good cause... sounds like a win to me.


I'll email the organiser & chat to Ollie at CF this weekend about next years show :smile:

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