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Recent Club News & Updates
A general discussions area to talk about anything related to Escort Cabriolets
The place to jest, and generaly lark about. If it doesnt fit in any other forum stick it in here.
If you are restoring your Cabriolet then why not keep us updated on your progress.
Want everyone to see your pride and joy, why not post some pictures!
Got a video clip you want to show off?
Are you going to a show? or have you been to one worth talking about?
Post any Security issues here!
Post any ICE issues here!
We are trying to compile a list of replacement roof suppliers, if you have had a roof fitted please let us know who fitted it and what was the cost. Also would you recommend them?
When you were out on the roads today did you see another Cabriolet, maybe it was another member. Why not ask in here!