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Escort Cabriolet Club

Steering Wheel

Nick Barnes

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Hi All,

Next little problem to show up, my Cab MK VII has an adjustable steering wheel, but it only goes in or out when you pull the handle down, should it also go up and down ?

Sometimes it " moves a little " as if its not secured properly when you pull or push on it ? ( not all the time ) even though the handle is pushed back up properly all the time.

Is there any way something could be loose in the locking mechanism? I cant see a diagram of it in the Haynes manual, so not sure how its fixed to the steering Colum or what it contains ?

Just thought I'd ask before trying to investigate further



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looked at the locking mechanism for the in / out steering wheel today but could not see anything that was loose or anything I could tighten in that area ? Theres just a slotted bar with a pin and when you move the arm it clamps it in place ( it looked as if this was working ok ? ) after closer inspection with the covers off it seems that the little bit of in / out movement I get is coming from the top ? where the steering wheel is connected to the stearing colum so it looks like a stearing wheel off job and try and tighten that end of things.

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Ahh, that *may* be problem. If it's like the Mk6 I worked on that someone tried to hack the barrel out of then there's a safety feature called a crush tube (basically lets the steering wheel be pushed away from the driver in a crash) and it could be slightly compressed by any violence on the column allowing excess in-out travel at the wheel.


I bodged it in that case, I cut and fitted a slice of 1.75" diameter waste pipe to fit behind the steering wheel and act as a "thrust bearing" to take up the play for the MoT. (not recommended, but I knew it wasn't going anywhere & needed the car on the road!) Better would be to replace the column but it can be worked round

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