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Escort Cabriolet Club

2.0 Zetec runs but wont idle.


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Hi just put a 2.0 Silvertop into my Mk6 replacing a 1.8 which had a lack of compression on one cylinder. All went well and even started up straight away, but it wont idle.

everything was swapped over from my old engine to the replacement block and head but I cant see the extra 200cc would cause the lack of idle, can it? there also another mystery on the side of the coil pack holder is a small white unit which I cant find any details of - it has a two pin connector on it, however I can find a plug anywhere under the bonnet that goes to it, just a single wire close by with a non-factory female spade connector on it. Would this not being connected be the cause of of the non-idle?


Any help apricated 


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