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Escort Cabriolet Club

Oil on speedo drive sensor

Linda Quince

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Took my car to my garage for oil leak but they cannot locate replacement sensor for ford  escort 1990 MK IV xr3i EFI cabriolet two tone.. they said as I don't use much it should be ok but I cannot check oil in gear box . How would I know If  the gear box needed oil and how much oil does it hold .

Can anyone give me some advice here.

drives ok

live in bedfordshire



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Hi Linda, why can't they check the oil level? Just unscrew the bung!

The sensor on the speedo drive is the speed sensor. Is it leaking from here? If so the most likely cause is a blocked breather.

The gearbox takes about 2.5 - 3.0 ltrs...... ish. You fill it up untill it drips out the level bung.

Sounds like you need a getter garage.

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Thanks for your comment

It is only a small amount of oil but if I carry on driving it I cannot check gearbox oil myself as you can for engine. So suppose I could just take to garage on regular basis. Not sure what to do now parts are becoming  scarce. Didn't have  a problem with replacing fuel pump last year. 

Garage note shows ' oil leaking out of speedo sensor on gear box'

My garage restore vintage vehicles mainly . I have had 4 xr3i 's p since 1984, never had any problems before. This one ihas done  66,000 miles .




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Ah ok. Sorry thought you meant the garage couldn't check it!!

Blocked breathers was a common problem with these and before they had speed sensors they used to 'pump' the transmission oil up the speedo cable and then it would drip on your feet!!

The early type of breather that used to block was a small black rubber pipe in the end of the gearbox which pokes into the chassis leg. Sometimes they got doubled over when they were put in stopping them from working.

Perhaps it's worth getting them to check that. Could stop it leaking all togrther.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I am afraid not. Perhaps just estimate how much you think has leaked out from what you can see on the floor. Just be a bit mindfull that it  doesn't hold that much so if its lost a litre than that is a third of the oil gone! 


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