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Escort Cabriolet Club

North East Meet.

Guest Ben Calverley

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Guest Ben Calverley

Hi guys wanting to organise a meet. I'm in Leeds.

How many cabbys we got in the north east that would like a meet. Then we can decide a date and location


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We're in northwest but wouldn't mind a trip over the hills round Sheffield way time & money permitting, let us know if/when and where you get something arranged mate and we'll make an effort to add a Mk5 to the numbers :smile:

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there are 2 cabs i know in leeds area. in teeside/newcastle about 7/8 cars




dwayne has taken over from me sorting shows as due to work commitments. I hope he can carry on what i started as we won 2x best visiting club stand at RS North yorkshire group shows

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