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Escort Cabriolet Club

Clutch Ratchet Mk3

Guest busadaddy

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the actual job itself is very easy and very simple, but a bitch to get too, you can make life easier by removing the seat,as above theres 2 clips to remove,disconnect the clutch cable,the shaft then slides out only one way,allowing you to get the clutch pedal off,then swap the nylon rachet parts and re-fit, ive done a fair few in the past...

a good tip here is to study it abit first and make sure you know exactly how the clips and spacers go.


hope this helps,


Edited by jay
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Guest steelcabby

i'd just take the box out as its a scum bag to do. oh and watch the rachet dosen't slip round else you will be swearing smashing things and nursing a nice cut finger.


or your could take the seat out to do it, i took the lot out when i did it last.. only takes 5-10 mins to get it out.


take the circlip off the end and it will pull out from the other end chap

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Guest suffolk04

is it slipping? mine had just started slipping, so a friend a ford told me to take the clutch cable off, put a washer at the back of the fork and instant fix. :banana_dance: it just changes the position of the teeth on the ratchet.


they used to do it years ago because their a pain

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